myticketshield SEO Phase 1


Original price was: $499.99.Current price is: $474.99.

A months long SEO project geared toward driving more traffic to the website and converting more traffic into paying customers.  We plan to use a combination of best practices, including A/B testing and monitoring of analytics to gain an understanding of what works for this industry online and how to best target the key demographic(s) for your business.

Paypal Processing Fee $14.25
Total Payable Amount $489.24


  1. Setup project board
  2. Gain admin access to website and host to determine if the current server has the necessary bandwidth to support analytics reporting and e-commerce (if not, an upgrade or migration to a new server may be required which will also include additional charges.)
  3. Perform manual backups and updates
  4. Install necessary plugins
  5. Research the competition
  6. Implement analytics
  7. Assess the 1st 14-30 days of web traffic
  8. General recommendations
    • Page recs
    • Contact recs
    • Branding recs
    • Social media recs
    • YouTube recs
    • Blog recs

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